Thank you for comments and input from my friends in the dive deep pool room. Fond gratitude to Leaves for careful editing.
Lying on my stomach, wearing only the silk dress, playfully wiggling my legs and feet. Lifting the braid at the back of my head, keeping the hair off my neck. Thinking of him imagining me, feeling the tingling.
Lightly tracing the skin of my neck and throat with my fingertips, noticing that in some places the heat has made it a little damp. In other places my skin is smooth and silky. Moving my fingers down a little to the cleft between my breasts, a soft and slightly cooler place. Touching the tops of my breasts, cupping my left breast with my right hand, what I can reach lying like this.
Turning onto my left side, pulling my knees up, stroking the outside right thigh beginning just above the knee, up to my butt and down the back of the thigh. Up again, gripping the right cheek just a little, a caressing squeeze. Down the side of my leg, all the way to my foot, under, over, and up the shin, over my knee, hesitating, stretching my leg, reaching behind the knee and çapa escort caressing the taut skin there. Circling with my fingertips on this silky, soft place, surprisingly tender and sensitive.
My fingers tracing up the side of my leg, past my hip, my waist, the side of my breast … up to the warm place on the back of my neck, under my braid, little soft hairs and moist from the heat and the hair. Lifting my right leg up, languorously, just because I can. Stroking the length of the leg, from the inside of the calf, up the inside of my thigh, stopping where he would stop, to tease. My skin here is much hotter, smooth as satin and a bit damp.
Trailing my fingers along the outside of my right breast, slipping easily on the silky material, the silk transferring a soft caress both to my hand and my breast. Opening myself up to feeling. Touching, flooding my brain with physical sensations, crowding out distracting thoughts, opening myself up to arousal.
Lying on my back now, a large pillow behind my head. Pulling the dress up just over my hips, tracing my fingers on my skin as I do, the silk fatih escort settling in a whisper. Grasping my hips on both sides with my hands as a lover might. Feeling both a swirl of early arousal flipping in my stomach and a tingling further down, the beginnings of the heavy feeling of swelling.
The back of my fingers stroking over my nipples, very softly pinching between two fingers, feeling hotter, the heavy tingles more pronounced. Imagining him seeing me. My stomach flipping again, arousal now more insistent and clear. Breathing faster, and biting my lower lip … the skin now flushing across my chest, cheeks hot and my mind wandering … is he here?
Imagining him telling me what to do … gasping at his instruction, at the feeling shooting through me. Licking my fingertip, opening my legs, the right knee falling to the side. Tracing up from my knee, up the inside of my right thigh, breathing faster, fingers shivering. Wetting the finger again, tracing the other side. The touch on my skin is electric, the evaporation cooling.
Closing my eyes, imagining him smiling and thinking sarıyer escort bayan of me. Drawing a ragged breath and stopping a moment to just feel. All over me … the tingles, the heat, his look, the feelings. My right hand stroking the skin under my bellybutton and just touching on the fur, now practically panting. Feeling his touch on my ankle, I am his.
My nails grazing the skin on the inside of my thigh, goosebumps trailing, needing more, a stronger touch. Gripping with my fingers far up on my inner thigh, almost a pinch, a hard grip, muscles rippling, skin burning, bruising me. Breathing shallow and fast, pinching my nipples, teasing myself, aching to be touched, anticipating the spreading heat.
Imagining him there, licking my skin. Shivering from his slow, lingering lick — the cooling of the skin, a ghost of a feeling. Arousal tumbling intensely inside me. Stretching out my legs, squirming and pulling my knees up again. Feeling his touch and trembling. Shuddering, pressing my thighs together, panting. Cupping myself and arching my back.
Feeling heat under the soles of my feet, heat creeping up my legs, heat spreading in my body. Eyes unseeing, pulse quickening, skin flushing from throat to chest, cheeks burning, the heavy hot feeling, feeling both filled and empty. Mind is elsewhere, everywhere, nowhere. His whisper, his touch … oh …