10 Ocak 2022

Problems of Parenthood Ch. 02

Big Cock

Dear readers,

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. All characters are above the age of 18 and any likeness to a real individual you may know is completely coincidental. This is simply a work of fiction and fantasy and is simply meant as a form of entertainment. Please feel free to leave comments and constructive criticism. Enjoy and on with the show.


Jim jolted awake as the phone rang loudly in the morning air. “Hello?”

“Hey Jim, sounds like you’re just waking up.”

“Yeah, sorry. Who is this?”

“HAHA. It’s Diane, you’re neighbor.”

“OH, hey! Sorry, still kind of groggy. We didn’t get to sleep until late.”

“Oooh, sounds like you had some fun last night. Was just calling to check on when a good time to return Mary to you. We were about to go grab breakfast and didn’t want you two to worry if you came by to get her.”

“Hang on a second Diane, let me ask Sue.” Lightly shaking Sue’s shoulder, “Hun, Diane wants to know if we want to pick up Mary before they head to breakfast.”

Rolling over to stretch, Sue lazily responds, “Mmmmm. Breakfast actually sounds good. They mind if we join them?”

“Diane, Sue wants to know if you would like some company. I’m sure we could go for some breakfast as well.”

Laughing, Diane responded, “Jack actually just suggested you two joining us. Anywhere in particular?”

After thinking for a second, Jim said, “Well, there is this awesome little place a couple blocks from here that makes an amazing eggs benedict. Want to give it a try?”

“Let me ask Jack . . . He says he’s been meaning to try it, sounds like the perfect excuse to do so now.”

“Awesome, let us get up and make ourselves presentable. We’ll meet you outside in about 15 minutes?”

“It’s a date, the kids are just about ready to go now. See you in a bit.”

Jim hung up the phone and turned to Sue. “Hey, time to get your sexy ass out of bed. I’m hungry and unfortunately, eating you won’t fill me up.”

Sue reached beneath the covers to Jim’s well used cock, “Maybe not, but you certainly filled me enough last night.”

Chuckling as he moved away from his wife and got out of bed, “And it’s for that exact reason I need to refill my fuel tanks. Let’s get a move on and go see Mary.”

“You know, it actually feels weird to not have to get up every so many hours. We should see about doing this more often.”

Jim thought about it, “It would probably be smart in order to avoid feeling burned out or overly stressed. We can talk to Jack and Diane over breakfast. Maybe we can do an exchange where we watch Joni for a night or two to let them have a break”

As Sue got out of bed heading for the closet, she looked back, “That’s a really good idea. I was also thinking we can pick-up they’re breakfast this morning since they were nice enough to keep Mary overnight. What do you think?”

Rinsing his mouth after brushing his teeth, Jim agrees. “That sounds good. It’s the least we can do for them watching Mary.”

They finish getting ready quickly and grab a few things to refill Mary’s diaper bag. Walking outside, they notice Jack just locking up their house as Diane walks across the street with Mary already in the car seat. Sue hurries to see her daughter, “Oh my precious little angel. Mommy missed you so much. Thank you Diane for sacrificing your Friday night to watch her.”

Diane beamed a huge smile, “It was no issue at all. She was a peach and Joni loved having a baby around. She only woke up once during the night to feed and get changed, otherwise it was smooth sailing down the river of dreams.”

As Jim caught up to the two ladies, he interrupted, “How would you like to finish this and other conversations at the restaurant? I am famished.”

Diane smiled slyly at the two of them, “Work up a big appetite last night did we?”

Blushing, Jim took the car seat from Diane and loaded Mary and her stuff in the car. Sue gave Diane a wink to suggest she was right and suggested they follow Jim as he knew the directions to the restaurant. After being seated at the restaurant and ordering their food, Diane asked, “So, how was the date?”

Sue saved Jim by answering first, “It was lovely. We went to this Italian place downtown and then saw a musical I’ve been wanting to see. I’ve read the book and love the story, just never had the chance to actually see the musical until Jim surprised me with the plan. All-in-all, it was a lovely evening.”

Jack interjected, “Which Italian place was this?”

And so the conversation went as their meals arrived. They discussed what each other had to eat, how the play was, what Mary did while over at Jack and Diane’s, and even Joni told some stories about her plans for Mary once she grows up. As the tales of the previous evening were coming to a close (the ones that could be told in public and in front of children), Jim said, “Sue and I were talking this morning and she suggested that we could do for you two what you did kızılay escort for us. We could watch Joni for a night or two so the two of you can go have a date for yourselves.”

Sue interjected, “And if it works out, we could do this on a regular basis to ensure we all have little breaks to remind us that we’re still in relationships other than being parents.”

Smiling, Jack said, “That’s actually very kind of you, but we already do that. My mom takes Joni once every month or two for a weekend so Diane and I can go out and have some, uh, adult time.”

Diane added, “That’s actually why we offered to watch Mary for you. We know you don’t really have any family close by and we’ve seen how beneficial to our relationship it is to continue to have these dates and outings.”

Jack said, “As much as you want it to be all about your child, you also have to foster the relationship between yourselves so that Mary grows to see a strong relationship between you two.”

Sue was first to respond with almost tears in her eyes, “Oh my god you two, that is so sweet. And thank you again. That’s why breakfast is on us.”

Jim, “Definitely. I seriously don’t know what would become of us if it wasn’t for the two of you.”

Diane, “You would probably be running around naked trying to put stuff in your car.”

Blushing again, Jim asked, “Am I ever going to live that down?”

Jack laughed out, “If you’re dressed like that, it shouldn’t be down.”

Sue choked back a sip of coffee, “Well, there’s another tale for when little ears aren’t present.”

Diane brightened up, saying, “Speaking of when little ears aren’t present, Jack has to work on some shelves in our garage later and Joni loves helping daddy build stuff. Do you mind if I take that time to bring over the rest of Mary’s things and we can have a little girl chat?”

Sue loved the idea, “Sure, that would be great. Jack, could you use Jim’s help at all? You don’t have any plans, do you?”

Jim shook his head, “Nope. I got nothing on the agenda for today. I would be more than happy to lend a hand.”

Jack, “That would be perfect. While I love having Joni’s help, she’s just not strong enough to hold things in place while I try to screw them to the wall.”

At this last comment, Jim and Sue shared a little smile regarding the events of the previous evening. Diane noticed, but only said, “That’s settled, when should I stop by?”

Sue, “I’ll give you a call. I just need to straighten up a little so the place is a bit more presentable.”

With that, Jim paid for the meal and they said their goodbyes and see-ya-laters. Once home, Sue put Mary down for a nap while Jim gathered some tools he might need to help Jack with his shelves. They both then gave the living areas of the house a quick once over in an attempt to hide any evidence of the animalistic sexual battle that happened the previous night. After realizing a small spot on a couch cushion wouldn’t come out without deeper cleaning, Sue just flipped the pillow and moved on to make sure all their clothes were collected and in the proper place. Once satisfied with the appearance of the house, Sue sent Jim on over to help Jack and called Diane.

Diane arrived relatively quickly with the last few items of Mary’s supplies. Sue greeted her at the door, “Thank you so much again for watching Mary, I hope there was enough milk and diapers and other things.”

“Sue, there is enough milk there to last her a couple days. Speaking of milk, how are you feeling?” Diane enquired, “Unless you fed Mary when you got home from breakfast, you haven’t fed her in almost a day and the pump died the other day. You have got to be full by now.”

Sue sheepishly replied, “No, I haven’t fed her yet. With the wine I drank last night, I wanted to pump and dump for the first 24 after.” She purposely left out about why she wasn’t full. But Diane could not be deterred; she was hungry for the details of their escapades.

“So, you haven’t used a breast pump and you haven’t fed Mary. But you aren’t full to the point of hurting.” Diane was trying to get Sue to spill the beans.

Sue’s reply showed she was still skirting around the issue, “Oh, I’m feeling a bit full right now. But it’s not too bad.” She added a smile as she remembered how she got drained.

Diane was beyond curious now. “Sue. I had a child. I remember what it felt like to go a solid 12 hours without pumping. I also remember how good it felt to be drained by someone other than my baby. Now out with the details and don’t forget anything.”

Giggling, Sue began retelling everything that happened after the play. The car ride home. Getting pounded against the wall. Even pointing to where Jim took her on the couch as evident by the spot under the cushion. Diane let out a shudder of excitement. “Oh my goodness. That sounds like a damn good time. I bet it would have been amazing to watch.”

Sue, “I don’t know about watching, but it was amazing to be there. I’m actually etlik escort getting a bit wet right now just remembering.”

Diane inched closer and whispered, “I’m actually getting wet just hearing about it.” She then let out a laugh which was joined by Sue.

Sue then stated, “I might have to jump Jim when he gets home. I can’t believe how horny I’ve been since giving birth.”

Diane agreed, “It’s been three years for me and I’m still like that. I might have to excuse myself soon just to take care of matters. Ummm, Sue. You may have to excuse yourself as well. You’re leaking.”

Sue looked down, “Damn it. I was hoping this could wait until Jim came home and we had some time. I’m sure there’s still some alcohol in there and I need to pump, but the vacuum pumper is broke.”

Diane suggested, “What about manually expressing them?”

Sue, “I don’t know, I’ve done that to get it flowing, but I couldn’t imagine squeezing them until they were empty. My hands would be killing me way before I was done with just the first one.”

Diane then offered, “Well, I do have another idea, but I don’t know if you would go for it.”

Sue, “Give it to me, I’m open to suggestions.”

Diane sat a little straighter, “Now please don’t get upset at this, and you can say no and we’ll forget it was ever mentioned, but I can help you relieve yourself if you don’t mind.”

Sue was taken back a little, “You mean, you help manually express them until they’re empty? What would we use to collect the milk? It would get everywhere.”

It was then Diane’s turn to look sheepish, “I was actually thinking about sucking it out for you. Easy clean-up and we both might enjoy it.”

Sue sat there quietly for a couple minutes. “I don’t know if you’re being serious or if this is a set-up for a weird joke I don’t understand.”

Diane then spoke quickly, “It’s no joke. I was just going out on a limb suggesting that. I’ve always been curious about what such an experience would be like and I really like you and Jim. I just thought you would be the perfect person to possibly try this out with.”

Sue was unsure, “But what about Jack and Jim? We’re both married. And those husbands are currently putting up shelves in your garage.”

Diane, “Well, I know Jack wouldn’t mind. We used to be swingers and he always wanted to see me with another woman. We just never had the chance before I got pregnant and the opportunity hasn’t risen until now.”

“Wow,” Sue was stunned. “Swingers? I always figured you were a wildcat, but never would have thought swingers.”

Diane asked, “Are you mad at me? Should I leave?”

“No, stay. I’m not mad. It’s just not something I was expecting and kind of hit me out of left field.” Sue thought about it. “You know, Jim and I have been known to talk about bringing another person into the bedroom when we’re talking dirty. But it’s never been more than pillow talk.”

Diane visibly relaxed, “It’s an experience. Thrilling and really gets your juices flowing. We’ve only ever done it at clubs, but that actually added to the thrill of it. There was no love between us and the other couples, just pure sex. It actually made me want him more and I always had the most powerful orgasms with him after we left there.”

Sue’s look was a combination of awe and intrigue, “Were you not jealous when he was making love to another woman? Did he not care that another man was having sex with you?”

Diane decided blunt honesty was the best tactic here, “It wasn’t making love or even having sex. It was just fucking. There was no familiarity to it. We were simply using the other person as a means to prep ourselves for our own partner. He would waste the first one or two orgasms on some other woman and save the longest one for me. I would get warmed up and have a couple orgasms with another man so that I was ready to then have multiples with Jack. We used to go to a club for about three to four hours, then come home and fuck each other’s brains out for another couple hours. It’s actually been a while since we’ve had one of those nights, but damn were they amazing.”

Sue stopped her, “Please don’t say any more or I might have to rub one out right now. You make it sound so hot.”

Diane reassured it, “It was hot, and I know what you mean. I’m almost right on the edge. Sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable.”

Sue sat in contemplation for a few minutes. Just as Diane was about to excuse herself and go home, Sue said, “Let’s do it.”

Diane was confused, “Do it? What?”

Sue explained, “My tits are starting to get full. We both need to cum. Let’s just do it. You can suck my tits as we both get ourselves off. I can even try sucking your tits if you want. I won’t lie, I’ve been known to wonder what it would be like to be with a woman and you’re right; you are the perfect person to try it with.”

Diane was cautious, “Are you sure? I don’t want to make you feel like I’m pressuring you into this.”

Sue demetevler escort simply said, “Let me just check on Mary real fast, and I say we make this happen. You never know, this might be a new thing to talk Jim into.” She finished this last part with a smile.

Sue got up and walked out of the room to check on Mary. Diane sat nervously happy and checked out the front window to make sure the men were still busy at work. As she heard footsteps coming down the hall, she turned to see Sue walking into the living room, topless. Sue stated, “Figured I would get things started.” And she walked up to Diane.

Unable to move, Diane just sat there and stare in awe at Sue’s glorious tits. Full, round, and already leaking milk from both nipples. As Sue stood in front of her, Diane could not help herself from reaching out and taking one of Sue’s nipples in her mouth. Giving a long hard suck, she was rewarded by a stream of sweet warm fluid shooting into the back of her mouth. This reminded her slightly of the feeling when a man shoots off in her mouth when giving a blowjob; and that accelerated her excitement. That other thing Diane noticed was the moan she heard from Sue as her tit got sucked.

Without realizing it, Sue reached one hand behind Diane’s head to pull her in closer to the tit. Her other hand slid down her shorts to glide over her clit. Little shots of electricity shot forth from that one little nub to all points of her body. Any doubts she may have been harboring were tossed out the window as her friend latched on to her engorged breast. Thoughts of anything else were left elsewhere as she felt nothing but ecstasy with her friend slowly sucking at one of her tits. She didn’t even think to care what Jim’s reaction would be if he were to walk in at this moment.

As she continued stroking her pussy and clit, she was getting lost in the feelings radiating from both her nipple and groin. As her legs began to buckle, she allowed Diane to guide her onto the couch cushion. Ironically, it is the same cushion that was overturned due to the exploits of the night prior. The more excited she got, the more erratic her hand became as she attempted to masturbate herself. She started grunting in frustration as she couldn’t find a rhythm and continued to lose the feeling of her building orgasm.

Noticing her frustration, Diane asked, “You want me to do that for you baby?”

“Oh fuck please. Please I need to cum.”

Diane went back to nursing on Sue’s tit as she reached down and removed Sue’s shorts and began playing with her pussy. Diane couldn’t believe how wet it was. Initially just rubbing on the outside of Sue’s pussy, Diane couldn’t help but feel herself getting wetter and wetter. As she got more and more into this new experience, Diane decided to try something different; she inserted a finger into Sue’s hole.

Pure velvet. That was the feeling as she penetrated her friend. It somehow excited her more; so much that she decided to insert another finger. Sue clutched tighter to the back of Diane’s head when she did this. The whole time Diane continued to suckle away.

After another minute or so, Diane noticed the breast from which she was nursing began to stop giving any milk. She decided to switch breasts. With an audible ‘POP’, she released the nipple from her mouth, but continued stroking her two fingers in and out of Sue.

Sue’s response to this was to beg, “No! Please don’t stop sucking. Oh my fucking god don’t stop.”

Diane couldn’t help but smile as she repositioned slightly and latched onto the second nipple. Sue let out a guttural, “Ohhhhhh, yeeeeessssssss!”

Emboldened by this pleading and by how wet Sue seemed to be, Diane decided to add a third finger to the action. Sucking even harder on the nipple, Diane started finger fucking Sue with three fingers. Sue made no sound but pulled Diane’s head close into her tit and grabbed hold of her shoulder to make sure she didn’t go anywhere. Diane took this as a sign to quicken her pace with her fingers. She also started swirling her tongue around the nipple as she continue to suck on the precious milk giving nub.

Sue could no longer stay silent, but was still mindful of a need to not yell. She grabbed a couch pillow and held it over her face to muffle the lewd noises emitting from her mouth. “Fuck. Yes. Right. There. Almost. Yes. FUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKK!!”

Sue’s entire body seemed to freeze up and tense as wave after wave of orgasmic spasm flowed through her body. Diane was amazed at how responsive her friend was to her handling. She watched as juices slowly leaked out of Sue’s pussy and down her hand. She continued sucking on her tit, even after the milk stopped flowing, just to see Sue ride out this orgasm.

Sue started to relax her body as she coasted down the waves of joy, but didn’t actually respond until a minute or so later. “Damn. That was amazing. You say you’ve never been with a woman before?”

Diane let go of Sue’s nipple and removed her hand from her pussy. “I’ve been in the same room as them doing things with other people, but I’ve never actually found someone I’ve wanted to try it with until you.”

Sue laughed as she caught her breath, “Could have fooled me. You are a natural.”

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